Rote Pieces

Sometimes I use rote to teach in the early grades in addition to teaching music reading. This enables students to play pieces that are a little more challenging.

I am showing the links here to video lessons by grade level. Please note that these videos are just for the notes, rhythm, and fingering - not dynamics or character. Check back often for more selections.

Prep B
Technical Requirements 1:
Technical Requirements 2:
On the Move by Lynn Freeman Olson:
Bouncing on My Bed by Anne Crosby:
Olie the Goalie by Stephen Chatman:
Sunny Afternoon by Anita Beaty:
New Shoes by Linda Niamath:
Playful Puppy by Linda Niamath:

Grade 1
Sunny Afternoon by Anita Beaty:
Celebration by Anne Crosby:
List B:
March of the Terrible Trolls by Linda Niamath:
The Hunt by Cornelius Gurlitt:

Grade 2
The Wind by C-H. Tan:

List B:
On a Quiet Lake by William Gillock:


  1. If anyone is looking for more rote pieces, I have two volumes of books called "Little Gems for Piano: Rote Pieces that Motivate and Captivate". They each have 28 impressive pieces that are surprisingly easy to learn! They are available on and

    1. Thanks for the tip. I will have to check them out.

    2. Great! There's a new review on the if you'd like to learn more.
